The Principles of a Safe Secure & Intelligent (S2I) Communications System

2 min read

What is a principle? The “know all” (aka, Google) tells us a principle is: “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.”

What is a communication system? The other “know all” (aka, Wikipedia) tells us a communication system is: “In telecommunication, a communications system is a collection of individual communications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and data terminal equipment usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole.”

And some simple definitions:

Safe: you know what it means.

Secure: you know what it means.

Intelligent: the system doesn’t act dumb, doesn’t mismanage its resources, and it learns from its mistakes.

And that’s it. That is the entire basis for developing these principles, the rules of the road, these guiding lights, so that we can protect these systems we so dearly rely on.

Read the principles below or click here to see the colorful and snazzy graphic.

  1. The system must not allow unauthorized or unintended interception, manipulation and exfiltration of data.
  2. The system must give equal attention to inside and outside actors.
  3. The system must give equal attention to technical challenges and human interaction.
  4. The system must ensure privacy.
  5. The system must ensure multiple redundancies are built in.
  6. The system must be modular, easy to maintain and upgrade, and not rely on any single source for operation.
  7. The system must not have any single points that can cause cascading or catastrophic failure.
  8. The system must be able to withstand continual disruptive attempts.
  9. The system must be able to learn from disruption.
  10. The system must endure regular and extreme stress testing, even during the design phase.
  11. The system must be able to purge itself completely from unwanted, unnecessary, and malicious data.
  12. The system must be economically tenable over time.

Written with the #CyberAvengers.

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